Friday, March 29, 2019



Here are some pictures from my baptism on Wednesday, March 20th! I have also included a video of the message the pastor gave beforehand. While speaking, the pastor took the opportunity shared the gospel with the locals and tourists who were swimming and hanging out down by the pier. Three other people in my DTS were also baptized and two of those people are part of my Cambodia outreach team. The amazing couple that helped the pastor with the baptisms are also part of the Cambodia outreach team.  It was a really special evening for all four of us who were baptized and for also for those who came to watch and support.

Crossroads DTS Family praying over the four of us after being baptized

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Blessing-A Day Trip South with Friends and More Sea Turtles

Last Sunday I was invited to go site seeing south of Kona with some friends from my Crossroads DTS! We visited a few different places, one being Black Sands beach. I have never seen sand like that before and while there we also got to see a bunch of sea turtles that happened to be hanging out on the shore!
Lots of Sea Turtles at Black Sands beach

Week 8, 9,10

Week 8, 9, 10
It has been awhile since I have been able to updated my blog.

At the end of Week 8 my Crossroads DTS spent a day at the beach as a class so there was not much time that weekend to write a post; I intended to write a post or two last weekend but God had other plans!

I am actually still processing how to talk about the experience I have had with the Lord starting at the end of last week (Week 9) and going on into this week (Week 10); it had been really good but also way out of my comfort zone; the Lord has also felt so tangibly close in a way I never experienced before this. Right now as I continue to process, some of the things I think God is teaching me through the experience is how to hear His voice better and walk in obedience; also he has been showing me His tender Father heart for me in new ways. Last weekend I also had the opportunity to break off a lot of fear in my life while praying with a few different groups of friends on Saturday and Sunday. Below is a list of the key topics for each of the past 3 weeks along with the speakers name; I have included some quick points from each week that can't even begin to do justice to what we learn and experienced.

Week 10- Encountering the Presence of God (Speaker: Michael Koulianos)

  • You know what someone is filled with by who they talk about
    • Are you filled with the Lord? Does what you talk about reflect that?
  • Read the Bible, it is God's heart on paper

Week 9- Impact, Holy Spirit, Impartation of Gifts, Obedience (Speaker: Will Hart)

  • Are you carrying so much of Jesus that wherever you go Satan falls?
  • Will you let Jesus use you to the fullest of His desires?
  • It is about obedience: in radical obedience your flesh will be offended and you will have to be uncomfortable
  • In an act of love Jesus pushes people out of a place of safety into a place of obedience
  • If God gives you a dream/vision and you have no idea how it could possibly happen, put it on the shelf and follow you guide (the Lord); trust Him to bring that dream to life as you follow Him
    • Two possible reasons why God doesn't give us the whole "path"
      • we couldn't handle seeing it all at this moment
      • He wants us to walk with Him; if we knew more we would try to do it on our own strength and abilities (If we are walking in the will of God is will require that we need Him
  • How will you respond if Jesus calls you into something uncomfortable?
  • Will I trust God or will I maintain control?
  • True life comes through understanding your life doesn't belong to you; your life belongs to Jesus; will you let Him have what is rightfully His?

Week 8-Worldview (Speaker: Tom Osterhaus)

Worldview=the way we look at/view life

  • A person's worldview is developed through: family, religion, education, government, celebrations, media and economics
  • Sadly many Christians in the U.S. don't have a Biblical worldview; their hearts belong to Jesus but they have not been discipled in the word of God
  • Are you willing to surrender to the word of God even when you don't like what it says

We talked about and compared three different worldview: animistic, secular and biblical. For each one we look at how that worldview answers 5 basic life questions: origin, nature/condition, morality, destiny, and truth.

It is really not possible to fit this sort of teaching into one week but I though the speaker did an amazing job trying to condense so much information into just a short week.
Semana 8, 9, 10Ha pasado un tiempo desde que he podido actualizar mi blog. 
al final de la semana 8 mi encrucijada DTS pasó un día en la playa como una clase, así que no había mucho tiempo ese fin de semana para escribir un post; Tenía la intención de escribir un post o dos último fin de semana, pero Dios tenía otros planes!
En realidad sigo procesando cómo hablar de la experiencia que he tenido con el Señor a partir del final de la semana pasada (semana 9) y pasando esta semana (semana 10); había sido muy bueno, pero también fuera de mi zona de confort; el Señor también se ha sentido tan tangiblemente cerca de una manera que nunca experimenté antes de esto. En este momento, mientras continúo con el proceso, algunas de las cosas que creo que Dios me está enseñando a través de la experiencia es cómo escuchar mejor su voz y andar en obediencia; también me ha estado mostrando su tierno corazón padre para mí de nuevas maneras. El fin de semana pasado también tuve la oportunidad de romper un montón de miedo en mi vida mientras rezaba con algunos grupos diferentes de amigos el sábado y el domingo.A continuación se muestra una lista de los temas clave para cada una de las últimas 3 semanas junto con el nombre de los oradores; He incluido algunos puntos rápidos de cada semana que ni siquiera pueden comenzar a hacer justicia a lo que aprendemos y experimentamos.
Semana 10-encuentro con la presencia de Dios (orador: Michael Koulianos) 

  • ¿sabes lo que alguien está lleno de quién habla de 
  • Estás lleno del Señor? ¿De qué hablas refleja eso? 
  • leer la Biblia, es el corazón de Dios en el papel
Semana 9-impacto, Espíritu Santo, Impartación de dones, obediencia (orador: Will Hart) 
  • ¿llevas tanto de Jesús que dondequiera que vayas, Satanás cae? 
  • ¿dejas que Jesús te use al máximo de sus deseos? 
  • se trata de la obediencia: en la obediencia radical tu carne se ofenderá y tendrás que ser incómodo
  • En un acto de amor, Jesús empuja a la gente fuera de un lugar de seguridad hacia un lugar de obediencia 
  • si Dios te da un sueño/visión y no tienes idea de cómo podría suceder, ponlo en el estante y síguelo guía (el Señor); confía en él para llevar ese sueño a la vida mientras lo sigues
  • Dos posibles razones por las que Dios no nos da todo el "camino" 
  • no podíamos manejar verlo todo en este momento 
  • él quiere que caminemos con él; si supiéramos más, tratarían de hacerlo con nuestra propia fuerza y habilidades (si caminamos en la voluntad de Dios es voluntad requieren que lo necesitemos
  • ¿Cómo responderá si Jesús le llama a algo incómodo? 
  • ¿confío en Dios o mantengo el control? 
  • la vida verdadera viene a través del entendimiento de que tu vida no te pertenece; tu vida le pertenece a Jesús; ¿le dejas tener lo que es suyo?
Semana 8-WorldView (orador: Tom Osterhaus) 
WorldView = la forma en que miramos/vemos la vida
  • La visión del mundo de una persona se desarrolla a través de: la familia, la religión, la educación, el gobierno, las celebraciones, los medios de comunicación y la economía 
  • lamentablemente muchos cristianos en los Estados Unidos no tienen una visión bíblica del mundo; sus corazones pertenecen a Jesús, pero no han sido disciteados en la palabra de Dios 
  • ¿estás dispuesto a rendirte a la palabra de Dios aun cuando no te guste lo que dice
Hablamos y comparamos tres visiones del mundo diferentes: animistic, secular y bíblica. Para cada uno de nosotros vemos cómo esa visión del mundo responde a 5 preguntas básicas de la vida: origen, naturaleza/condición, moralidad, destino y verdad.
Realmente no es posible encajar este tipo de enseñanza en una semana, pero a pesar de que el orador hizo un trabajo increíble tratando de condensar tanta información en sólo una semana corta.

Staffing Crossroads DTS Jan 2020

Hello! I returned to YWAM Kona on December 26, 2019 to staff the January 2020 Crossroads DTS!  To read my blog for staffing visit:  http...